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Rural Labor Market

The agricultural yield gap in Uganda is estimated to be around 28%. Access to hired labor is one factor that is often overlooked in the literature. 

This project aims to provide answers to the following questions: Do female farmers have limited access to male hired labor for physically demanding tasks, and if so, why? Do male agricultural workers put in the same amount of effort and quality whether they work on male- or female-managed farms?

Closing this gap could improve farmers’ welfare, women’s empowerment, and children’s outcomes.

Yes, Women can.

The role of information and norms in encouraging women to enter male dominated sectors in Uganda.

Making sure young adults realize their full potential is a top priority. To design of effective policies, we need a deeper understanding of they make occupational choices. In this project, we interviewed young men and women enrolled in vocational training institutes in Kampala and Wakiso districts and asked them about their preferred occupations and their expectations about different pecuniary and non-pecuniary outcomes.

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Stockholm University
Stockholm School of Economics

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